The Workings Out of a Heart Not Fully Formed Yet

I write because I dream: I see this world as a place the Kingdom of God is constantly breaking into and I want to join my King Jesus in whatever way He sees fit to bring His life, His Presence, here.

This journey has taken me all over the world and lead to encounters with incredible men and women of God: their lives have imprinted mine. This blog is a result of our conversations and questions, and a way for me to display my inner life with God, so that others may see the glory of a life given fully over to her Creator. I, and the ones I love, are no special people--we just partner with an amazing God.

We've seen suffering. We know doubt. We wrestle with where we have been and how we got there--but we will never give up. Our lives are a testament to His faithfulness.

Be Blessed as you read. Encounter the King.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

S.A.D. day--or is it?? haha, read on!!!

I’m always taken care of on Valentine’s Day…

I had my own plans this year—a friend and I were going to hang out, do silly things like a photo scavenger hunt at the mall and watching sappy movies and eating heart shaped pizzas—but those fell through unexpectedly. I was invited in to the other plans but I knew it wasn’t the right thing for me at that time (you just know) so I let the moment pass. I was sad—really disappointed—for about an hour but then I…let it go.

Last year on Valentine's Day I was a sub in a first grade class—little children who barely knew me handed me their home grown cards. I was surrounded by little people (foreshadowing perhaps? I think so--this year I've got a whole class full of them!) and I was happy.

My students blessed me today. Of course, they brought in their little valentines (some with candy) for their friends but they didn’t forget me! I was shocked, honestly. An awesome "I love you" balloon, a huge chocolate kiss, two of those ridiculous heart shaped packages packed themselves with chocolate--a boyfriend couldn't have done better if he'd tried :) They just blessed me beyond measure--it's something that kids do...give freely of themselves. I ended that day feeling so full...and I'm realizinfg that this fulfillment and contentment is become evermore a pattern in my life. It's been so long since I had days like this that it's almost bizarre to me--and it makes me savor it all the more. 

There is a saying, "You can't love a good man, until you've loved a bad one." I don't know how true that is but I do know that depth is created out of sorrow--you're capacity for joy has inadvertently developed and grown as you have traveled through deep loneliness and grief. We created to live deeply--I am priviliged to know more than an ordinary, bland existence--even if that existence can sometimes have it's fill of pain--it just makes the pleasure that much more to be anticipated and enjoyed.

My life is full—and it became full without me really realizing or trying to make it that way. I have beautiful people who speak into my life consistently, I am known, I am well liked by my peers—and none of this happens because I made it so. If there is anything I have learned this year, it is that the most beautiful things happen when you let go. When you don’t know what’s around the corner or how the story ends and you let life play itself out—fall into God’s lap, so to speak—that’s when the magic, the impossible (improbable) happens and your life is made beautiful for you.

My life is being made beautiful for me.

I hadn’t expected that. My throwback thinking still has me trying to prove myself, to earn the love that is so freely given to me! I can’t seem to escape needing to justify my existence and show that I am worth all that has been given to me. Grace is a beautiful lesson that the Lord has had to fill my life with over and over again—because I don’t understand it and so He has to immerse me in it, make me experience it over and over again, trying to help me see that there is a new way, there is life to be lived and it doesn't all depend on me.

Grace is so safe—in a dangerous way. Even now, I simply don’t understand it. When I allow His life giving words to flow over me and finally penetrate my heart (I am proud of you. You are a gem. I have plans for you. I see your beauty and your heart for me. My butterfly.), when I truly let myself sit back and contemplate His life that He poured out for me so that I might live free and hopeful—it’s too overwhelming. Every day becomes Valentine’s Day for me, the uncovered gift, freely given—you get to live free! You get to hope! You get to see beyond what the world says is your destiny into all that the Lord has planned for you! You get to move forward completely reliant on His power rather than your own! You get to live filled with His love, just basking in it, overwhelmed by it!

I thought I would spend today fighting loneliness—I should have known better. He anticipates every need and has already moved forward to fill it in—and more abundantly than I could ever anticipate and plan for. He catches me off guard every day as I wake up and come into His presence—like my kids showing up with an abundance of Valentine’s—I simply never lack when I choose Him. 

Happy Valentines Day all those who are Beloved of the Lord. Remember as you celebrate this day that true love is sacrifice—and ultimate sacrifice, ultimate love, is a giving away of your life. Remember the one who gave away His love for you and choose to move forward in His power, overwhelmed by all He is and has for us. He is more than you know—find your life in Him, true life and remember to live free!!! It’s His gift to us—no worries or frustrations or endless anxiety—but rather perfect peace as we pray, His Presence as we worship and His love flowing out as we live this life in Him.  He died for that—for you—you are worth all the chocolates in the world and many more flowers. The loving sacrifice of the God man shows that.

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