The Workings Out of a Heart Not Fully Formed Yet

I write because I dream: I see this world as a place the Kingdom of God is constantly breaking into and I want to join my King Jesus in whatever way He sees fit to bring His life, His Presence, here.

This journey has taken me all over the world and lead to encounters with incredible men and women of God: their lives have imprinted mine. This blog is a result of our conversations and questions, and a way for me to display my inner life with God, so that others may see the glory of a life given fully over to her Creator. I, and the ones I love, are no special people--we just partner with an amazing God.

We've seen suffering. We know doubt. We wrestle with where we have been and how we got there--but we will never give up. Our lives are a testament to His faithfulness.

Be Blessed as you read. Encounter the King.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Love I Bear

Some days you just have to write...I feel like I'm on the brink of figuring something out and parts of my heart have already been revealed to me today--its wild and good!

My days have been a wild whirl of trying to get everything done and be present (often overwhelmed) and deal with feeling isolated and out of control--it all felt like it was too much and yet I persevered--that's the crazy part. I don't know how I survived the last season of my life, it was literally the hardest season of my life. I have never been so stressed that I couldn't eat and made myself physically sick--until then!

And now...I'm floating in a pool of calm. I'm basically being paid to be a stay at home mom and I love it! My charge just turned three--months that is :) She sleeps, I read, whisper to God, sing, go on walks. These are the moments to just be--and I relish them, because really, I don't know what my life will look like in the next ten years and this might be the only pool of calm I get for a while. So I bask in it!

God's been speaking to me about marriage--again! (I know, its an old joke. I have no prospects and yet its the one thing that keeps coming up in conversation and in art that I have been doing--I am being taught about marriage and what it means to be a bride--even though I may never be one! haha...this seems to be a joke, but I know it isn't cruel--God's not like that. I may never be married, but marriage is one of the thrilling/mundane/original/common/out-of-this-world mysteries of this life--I don't mind learning!) And we're back...anyways, God revealed to me through an awesome Thomas Merton book that I had put my hope in marriage. This was something that I had no conscious idea of--until I read:

"All sin is rooted in the failure of love. All sin is a withdrawal  of love from God, in order to love something else. Sin sets boundaries to our hope, and locks our love in prison. If we place our last end in something limited, we have withdrawn our hearts entirely from the service of the living God. If we continue to love Him as our end, but place our hope in something else together with Him, our love and our hope are not what they should be, for no man can serve two masters." (pg. 18 in No Man is an Island by Thomas Merton)

My "something else together with Him" had been marriage! Weird, I never realized...then I was like, why would I hope in marriage? what's the deal with that? The answer came immeadiately: "If I am married, it means that someone else thinks I have worth. Someone else sees me as valuable." WHOA!!! Criminey! (and I don't use that word) I was trying to answer that question and fend off that lie of "You are worthless" (which by the way, hangs over my whole family) by putting my hope in marriage.

Someday when you are married--you will have worth.
Someday when you are married--you will have a future.
Someday when you are married--you will have someone who sticks by you forever.
Someday when you are married--you won't be lonely.

Isn't it crazy what we believe and where we look for our satisfaction and hope? I was the kid who was terrified of marriage--so why would I have these beliefs about it? Perhaps the reason I was terrified was because if I did get married and it turned out that none of these hopes would be fulfilled, I would have nowhere else to turn. And in my mind, it was better not even to broach the subject--just reject it completely and all that it could offer and stay safe.

Aren't you glad God entered the picture of my life?

He calls me Bride. And He already answers all those questions and fulfills all my hopes completely without my having to persuade Him or make Him see that I'm worth it. What a hope, what a true hope that is...

Maybe I will get married someday. Maybe I'll remain single for the rest of my life. In any case, I know who holds my future. My hope is secure.

I'm reading Elisabeth Elliot's book Passion and Purity again with a new perspective. (In it she writes about the journey of her five? year relationship with Jim Elliot which lead to their eventual marriage.) I'm free to look at relationships and romance and the possibility of marriage without fear. I'm free to dream and wish without being overwhelmed--being married or not is no longer a live or die moment. If it happens, hallelujah!, and if not my hope remains. I am free--in a way I haven't been for years.

From Elisabeth's book:
"The greater the potential for good, the greater the potential for evil. That is what Jim and I found in the force of the love we bore for each other...A system of fixed values and relations held us apart, each holding the other in reverence for the Owner. His we were, all the rights were, all the prerogatives to give or to withhold according to the pattern of His will, which remained as yet a mystery to us...For us, this was the way we had to walk, and we walked it, Jim seeing it his duty to protect me, I seeing it mine to wait quietly, not to attempt to woo or entice..."

Then she goes on to quote Christina Rossetti's poem:

"Trust me, I have not earned your dear rebuke,--
I love, as you would have me, God the most;
Would lose not Him, but you, must one be lost,
Nor with Lot's wife cast back a faithless look,
Unready to forego what I forsook;
This say I, having counted up the cost,
This, though I be the feeblest of God's host,
Yet while I love my God the most, I deem
That I can never love you over-much;
I love Him more, so let me love you too;
Yea, as I apprehend it, love is such
I cannot love you if I love not Him,
I cannot love Him, if I love not you."

May I love like that.

This is held firmly in Your hands. Thank You Papa.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

This Life--Always YOURS

It's been such an interesting journey the last few weeks. At times it feels like everything is before me and then in other moments the doubts and despair begin to crowd in...

I have to choose which voices to listen to--and I am growing stronger in this time and God has put new (old) friends back into my life--and I'm so grateful.

Give me a song to sing
Give me a song to sing
Give me a song to sing
and I will sing it

Give me a song to sing
Give me a song to sing
Give me a song to sing
and I will sing it to You, God
--that's the Will Reagan song playing right now and it so fits where I am at with Him.

I'm just waiting, waiting and I feel like I have been waiting for a really long time--many disappointments have been my companions lately. They all rose up and confronted me yesterday, left me broken on the ground, calling out to God. They don't break me--they just make me hungry for You. It's hard to live with them, but that's where God and His beautiful, steadfast, faithful strength come in.

My weakness wants me to live in what could have been--but I must move forward into what will be.

Your Warrior Princess fighting with You to the end, learning how to give all she has...

The other day my friends husband said, after I shared the dreams God has placed in me about Haiti, that God had made me one who is able to handle a lot. God doesn't worry about putting a lot on my shoulders because He knows I can handle it.

If that's true, that's the goodness of God on display.
I always felt like the one who gave up first and had the hardest time (think Cross Country). But then again, I am becoming a person who sticks with it even when other people wouldn't dare try (think Calculus, Cross Country, Hebrew--even my last placement for student teaching). So He's growing in me this capacity to endure A LOT and that is His grace to me. Thank You for teaching me and seeing in me more potential than I could ever envision.

I don't know what's ahead of me but You have done well by me throughout my whole life. I know You will be leading and guiding in these next seasons. Maybe I will even fall in love with a real person and not just an ideal :) You're changing me...and that is grace and beauty and holiness in my life. Thank You for being good. I am excited for these next seasons, whatever they hold. Keep putting Your hope in me and draw me closer. i want YOU!


His Bride,

Saturday, January 5, 2013

No Greater Love Than This--He Keeps Following Me

Haha...I'm not sure how I got through the last couple months...have you ever felt like that?

I was literally running on nothing but the Holy Spirit, Jesus and my roommates prayers. I thought my family would want to talk with me about it over break, let me reminisce and share in the joy that I had finished but that didn't happen at all...with them I still had to give and give and give to the point where I was empty--it was as bad as working at that junior high and I was so glad to leave.

That's awful to say, I know, but it's true...what I thought was refuge was actually the opposite and I wasn't sure how to process it, how to pray...I think I just went numb.

I'm so tired--and I just couldn't be tired over break, there was no room or time for it...that must be what Jesus felt when He went away to pray after John the Baptist died and people followed Him and needed Him and He was there for them and had pity on them because they were like sheep without a shepherd.

It's so hard God.

But I'm to yield...though I'm so bad at it. I think I was supposed to encourage and pray for someone today and didn't heed the voice. Jesus have pity on me, I'm not who I should be. I'm so tired...tired...tired...

Yet I will keep on. Even if people do not believe in me, even if I lose all the help and support of the people around me, eve if the darkness tries to overtake me--yet I will hope in God, my strength and salvation. I will pursue the Lord with all my heart.

He showed me a picture of myself as I believe He sees me--a warrior woman arrayed in beautiful white armour. First I was just standing strong with my life offered before Him and then I was in battle with the thought/idea that I would fight to the very end, to bitter death, 'til I had given my all FOR THE LOVE I BORE FOR HIM.

They talked about "rema" words a little later in the Bethel service I was at, words given to us from the Bible for us to wield as swords. I believe God's going to give me words to bear before me, to learn to fight for myself and the people I love.

Oh draw me closer Lord. I won't try to strive anymore and muster up the strength to be strong enough and fight hard...instead I will be the one who is wholly yielded to her Lord, knowing that what they really need is a glimpse of You in Your power and strength and doing my best to bend out of the way so that Your glory is fully revealed. 

You brought me through the last few months, gave me victory and I am so grateful. Lead me onward, Beautiful King. I will no longer live out of a fear of lack because You are always enough for me and You have proved it over and over again.

I love You...more than words can tell and I want to love You more!!!!! and then we'll change the world as Your love takes hold of all around and brings them close close close to You. I LOVE YOU!