The Workings Out of a Heart Not Fully Formed Yet

I write because I dream: I see this world as a place the Kingdom of God is constantly breaking into and I want to join my King Jesus in whatever way He sees fit to bring His life, His Presence, here.

This journey has taken me all over the world and lead to encounters with incredible men and women of God: their lives have imprinted mine. This blog is a result of our conversations and questions, and a way for me to display my inner life with God, so that others may see the glory of a life given fully over to her Creator. I, and the ones I love, are no special people--we just partner with an amazing God.

We've seen suffering. We know doubt. We wrestle with where we have been and how we got there--but we will never give up. Our lives are a testament to His faithfulness.

Be Blessed as you read. Encounter the King.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

My Friend Asked Me this Question....

 I love friends who make you self-reflect—I have a friend who recently asked me to elaborate on what love is—in the general sense and the romantic sense. This was the result:

“To me, love means self giving...and I've come to understand it in this way over a lot of years--even a year ago, I wouldn't have been able to tell you it in that concise of language. To elaborate--if you love someone it takes you outside of yourself and your comfort zone and your needs--you lose yourself in taking care of them. It's like you choose (sometimes easy and sometimes hard) to let yourself take the backseat and get wrapped up in caring for them, taking care of their needs, making sure they are safe and becoming productive and finding wholeness. Now, to clarify, if this is done without the help of the Holy Spirit and His guiding grace and well as boundless love and energy, you will fall short. (And you'll mess up regardless). I find more and more--especially working in my classroom--that I must have my source--love, joy and hope--coming from God through the Holy Spirit before I can ever reach out to my kids or anyone else in true life-giving love. So, if you want to love well, you must first be loved well, but you cannot seek the totality (you may find a bit of it) in the love you receive from other humans. Your first source always has to be God and Jesus through the Holy Spirit. I see a lot of people striving to show love to others because they're Christians and we're told to love everyone and they become co-dependent (their thinking becomes "my only true source of worth is in being needed by someone”) and they become burnt out. They surrounded themselves with needy people because that gave them worth and then the needy people took and took and took from them, they eventually become so depleted that they can't even function anymore...but it's addicting!!! I speak from experience in this regard--my mom was a classic co-dependent (and she knows it) so I learned all those behaviors and had to unlearn many things (with Jesus' help!! haha). Now I'm a co-dependent--but I am co-dependent on God, not other people, to fill me a strange way that I don't understand...He needs me. We were created to be partners with Him--He needs us to work alongside Him to do all those good works He planned long in advance for us to do. (but that’s a whole ‘nother conversation).”

“Romantic love--it's not like the movies. I like calling it an ordinary miracle--here is a selfish human being whose only thought was for him or her self--and then all of a sudden, someone comes along who fills their world and they are willing to put aside their wants and needs to serve, encourage and bring hope to this individual. Their life expands and they begin to see the whole world differently. I think we get caught up in all the benefits that come to us (that's what movies portray--you find a person who 'completes' you and you don't argue--it's all bubbles and sunshine and if at some point it's not working out for you, you step away). But that's not God’s idea--He wants a Christian marriage to put Him on display--and He has faithfulness that see us through whatever mess you're in, love that does not change based on how you treat Him and joy in the exchange--He delights in seeing you do well and will do whatever it takes to see that you are successful. The way Timothy Keller puts it is this "If you can see the mess in a person's life and it doesn't scare you off, but rather you can also see the person they have the potential to become and are willing to work with them in the midst of could marry that person." (that's a total paraphrase)”

“In other words--you're not in it for what you get out of it. Every person has this potential that we catch small glimpses of--like when a majestic mountain shows itself through the clouds. A lot of days, the person they're becoming is veiled in a way--hidden behind the clouds. You have to hang in through those days when they're just an ordinary, messy human being and keep loving with all the strength He gives you. “

“So 'romantic' love has super awesome benefits--we know all about those (haha, no, we don't--not married yet :) ) but it's just as tough to love them--especially when we get used to them--IF we don't choose to be filled with the love of the Lord...and HE TOTALLY WILL ALWAYS FILL US--we have to keep choosing to submit to His guidance and leading as it comes to learning how to love our spouse (when that day comes :) ) but it's not going to be impossible.”

“So...all of that long realm of words sums up to this--it's really important to put Jesus in the middle--He is what makes the miracle of love possible. You cannot love properly without first being filled and empowered by His love and don't think they're going to be perfect--they won't and neither will you. But if the Lord reveals to you who/what they are becoming--you can see them as they are and know that it is worth marching up this mountain with them. You will choose to stand beside them in the storms of life because you know that this life--his (your husband) is worth fighting for and Jesus has so much love in front of us.”

“I hope this makes sense and isn't just a lot of overwhelming words. It's never going to be perfect--but it will be worth it.”

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