The Workings Out of a Heart Not Fully Formed Yet

I write because I dream: I see this world as a place the Kingdom of God is constantly breaking into and I want to join my King Jesus in whatever way He sees fit to bring His life, His Presence, here.

This journey has taken me all over the world and lead to encounters with incredible men and women of God: their lives have imprinted mine. This blog is a result of our conversations and questions, and a way for me to display my inner life with God, so that others may see the glory of a life given fully over to her Creator. I, and the ones I love, are no special people--we just partner with an amazing God.

We've seen suffering. We know doubt. We wrestle with where we have been and how we got there--but we will never give up. Our lives are a testament to His faithfulness.

Be Blessed as you read. Encounter the King.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Heavy Heart: Reactions to Suffering

I’ve been a mess this year, more than a few times. Circumstances beyond my control coupled with people in my life who make ‘interesting’ choices have left me staring after them with a “What the…?” face (you know the face) and often have resulted in tears as I try to process through their brokenness. It’s one thing to know how people make disasters of their lives, it’s another thing entirely to have someone close to you start hop, skipping and jumping down that road.

At the beginning of this mess, I had a really hard time processing it and in many ways had no safe place to process it (it wasn’t the kind of stuff you bring up at work and that’s where I spent the majority of my time). When I finally was around safe places (Bible study group) or people I literally melted down. I couldn’t hold it all together anymore.

I think it scares people to see you weep, to lament. We live in a culture where we keep quiet and safe and we keep all of our problems close. I know. I was raised very well in this culture, even told that, as a woman, I had no voice. I clearly remember the male figure (not my father) in my life saying, “Are you sure that’s what you believe?” in a mocking, borderline sarcastic tone as I shared what was really on my heart with him about a situation. My opinion had no validity with him (this relationship has changed as I and this person have grown older.) However, the idea was (if they could have controlled me the way they wanted to): sit, down, shut up and do what we expect you to with your life.

That’s perhaps a bit harsh—but that’s just to give you a background on this already over timid daughter and to give glory to God because He has pulled me through and created something out of all that murky timid beginning that will put to shame anyone who wants to claim Christ is irrelevant and out-of-date. Oh yeah? Well, look what He did with my life!!! No argument—He is real. If He can take sheltered, quiet, perfectionist Robin and make her a Warrior in the Kingdom—He can do anything. He can do anything.

I have been changed, set free, given a voice. Even through these circumstances that stand before me now (I’m planning on being in Ireland in two months—a lot goes into that!!!) I am not afraid. Even though some members of my family are still walking down painful, broken roads, we’re not afraid. Even though I have no idea what my future will look like, I have Him. He’s good.

I see His goodness in the people He has set around me this year. Some have not understood as I mourned, lamented in front of them—claiming I have strayed from ‘trusting in the Lord’ but I have had other jewels in the Kingdom teaching me that the Lord is for the ‘cry’. He asks us to cry out to Him (literally ‘shriek’) in the Psalms, to raise a ‘shout’ to the Lord—this Kingdom is about being LOUD.

So, I am not ashamed of being in crisis and being loud about it—of course, I don’t run around shouting about how broken I am on the city streets (I am not CRAZY) but I will break apart in front of safe people that He allows me to be with and I will not hide my pain in a corner. I have friends who are currently doing that and they are currently being undone by their problems rather than undoing the problems.

I refuse to hide.

I refuse to be safe and respectable. I refuse to not acknowledge my pain. I refuse to not cry about all that I see in my life that I must see change. I refuse to be stagnant, to let my family continue as it always has. I refuse to be the bland and predictable person the culture demands I turn into. I refuse to do what the enemy plans—I am breaking into the Lord’s camp!

And again, I am so grateful for the friends who have rallied around—living out His Word as they sympathize with me and cry out alongside me as we seek (through prayer) to call heaven down and bring about the best in our family’s situations. They have been tenderhearted and they show me love when I desperately need it. Best friends, mentors, all you beautiful people the Lord fills with me at the right moments—thank you for being used of the Lord! You lived out 1Peter 3:8 in front of me.

I suppose all of this is to say that I am not ashamed of what I have gone through this year, nor any of my actions as I have processed through the mess that can be life lived alongside other humans. I have not always made the best decisions, but I keep believing in His goodness and what He wants to do in me and my family.

He’s writing a beautiful story, ending unplanned—and I keep seeing those things which other people claim as evil being transformed in His hands into beauty. I am not afraid of the suffering—for it brings out the best beauty in a life yielded to Him.

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