The Workings Out of a Heart Not Fully Formed Yet

I write because I dream: I see this world as a place the Kingdom of God is constantly breaking into and I want to join my King Jesus in whatever way He sees fit to bring His life, His Presence, here.

This journey has taken me all over the world and lead to encounters with incredible men and women of God: their lives have imprinted mine. This blog is a result of our conversations and questions, and a way for me to display my inner life with God, so that others may see the glory of a life given fully over to her Creator. I, and the ones I love, are no special people--we just partner with an amazing God.

We've seen suffering. We know doubt. We wrestle with where we have been and how we got there--but we will never give up. Our lives are a testament to His faithfulness.

Be Blessed as you read. Encounter the King.

Monday, April 20, 2015

'Tis A Gift to Be Loved

I think I finally realized something: I get to be happy.

I’ve lived for so long in this, “This is the way it is. You just endure and hope it’s over soon” mindset even while people around me were saying, “It’s not always like this. There are hard times, but there are good times too.” I’ve been in the hard so long—the emotional grind, the uphill battle, fighting to see even hope—that imagining that the things I imagine and dream about could come to be seems like a complete fantasy, one I haven’t even allowed myself to indulge in—I can’t. If I did, for one moment, I wouldn’t be able to enter in, to go back into the fray that is my daily life.

So I push and I fight and I’m exhausted but sustained—by a good God, whose powerful, good, life-giving Presence continues to pour into me and gets me through the torture that life can seem. He’s my safe place (refuge as Psalms 91 says) and with Him I am complete—no matter the storm around me.

And He’s taught me to abide, and He’s taught me to cry out for Him and He’s taught me to love even when there isn’t anything visible to human eyes worth loving. He’s taught me to believe beyond what I can see, live heaven-minded and trust Him. And I have lived—conquered—even found freedom in the middle of mine and my family’s struggle.

He is truth and hope and love and He has been enough for us in the middle of it all.

And I haven’t done it perfectly—I have way too many things to regret—but He’s teaching me even there to let the past be the past and move forward in hope—or as one of my favorite Chris Tomlin songs says: LET THE FUTURE BEGIN!

I was at his concert two nights ago and just got taught again how good He is. We worship because He shows up, inhabits the praise that we send forth and changes our hearts as we interact with Him. I love this personal, loving, close God…I went to this concert out of obedience (it was a school night!) and I could just feel God pulling off layers—getting at my heart and the battering it has received lately and just washing, cleansing, strengthening in the most powerful way. He has good ahead of me—so close, I can almost taste it! as they say—and even in the middle of that crowded arena He was speaking close to my heart again, making that hope rise, changing and preparing me for the future. I walked out with my heart feeling a little bit different…

I heard a sermon recently that talked about how life is a process of giving the Lord little bits of our heart at a time. This is true: that it is a process on one hand—your whole heart does not automatically become His (I’m sure there are exceptions) but on the other hand it shows such faithfulness and patience on His part—to keep pursuing our hearts, even in the places where we don’t necessarily want to be fully His, it shows off His love. That He would keep coming after us, being patience with us, letting us have a part and a say in the relationship and not pressing us beyond what we are able to give. It’s a beautiful piece of God.

I was a little more His after that night at the concert: a little (no, actually a whole ton) more able to believe that He has good for me (exceedingly more than I’m imagining! As the Kristene Mueller song I’m listening to right now says—God timing!). That what I have been dreaming of could become a beautiful, hopeful reality that I get to just bless Him with—honoring Him because He’s the only One capable of pulling it off and loving Him even more for being able to dream and see come to fruition the joy of His heart.

Realizing that He desires that I be happy and fulfilled more than I ever will is an incredible (almost unnerving for me) declaration. But it’s true. He wants kids after His heart who will dream with Him to see the world changed and He will be the force behind the movement as we launch forth in hope: His sailboats.

I’m ready for anything and the next step and the launching…

Always, desperately, hopefully, carefully, wonderfully His.

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