The Workings Out of a Heart Not Fully Formed Yet

I write because I dream: I see this world as a place the Kingdom of God is constantly breaking into and I want to join my King Jesus in whatever way He sees fit to bring His life, His Presence, here.

This journey has taken me all over the world and lead to encounters with incredible men and women of God: their lives have imprinted mine. This blog is a result of our conversations and questions, and a way for me to display my inner life with God, so that others may see the glory of a life given fully over to her Creator. I, and the ones I love, are no special people--we just partner with an amazing God.

We've seen suffering. We know doubt. We wrestle with where we have been and how we got there--but we will never give up. Our lives are a testament to His faithfulness.

Be Blessed as you read. Encounter the King.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Jesus, We'll Fight with YOU--PIERCE THE DARK

I dreamed I was sold into sex trafficking last night.

I knew who the pimp was--my dad had sold me (not my real dad, it wasn't the real him or the real me) and I was totally resigned to it. A friend and I were walking through a store, stealing some last new things (an outfit) and it was like I was abandoning all the old for the new reality. I knew it was coming and I knew I couldn't stop it. The thing that struck me most about the whole thing was how resigned the dream me was to it: she didn't even try to fight. Somehow she knew that it would just make it worse.

I share this because of the words spoken to me right after I woke up:

"That's what my daughters have to go through every day"

Say good bye to all your dreams for a future
            good bye to being normal
                  good bye to having control over your body

"My precious ones," God whispers as His heart breaks

They find a way to cope by being high, drunk
       just existing (go numb)
              while deep inside the dream lingers of being cherished

We have to rush the dark, we have to save these precious ones--those who can't fight for themselves.

The blog I read yesterday rings so true: if we just go along with the "boys will be boys" mantra that excuses any type of lewd behavior on the part of men, then we are agreeing with the second part "girls will be garbage".

"If boys will be boys, then girls will be garbage"


The Lion of the tribe of Judah will not tolerate His daughters being treated like garbage. He will not stand idly by while His precious daughters are ripped to shreds--forced to go through the unspeakable. I can feel His deep sorrow and He's asking us to turn the tide. To do the unthinkable and jump into darkness and bring light, bring freedom.

In Jesus' name and in His power we go.

We cannot fail.  

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