The script before Jesus was: "Sad, self preserving little girl walks this world lonely and in need of love. Fear traps her in a dungeon of her own making and she remains unknown. Loneliness will mark her life, as well as boredom and inconsistency. Relationships will fail because she will have no idea how to connect with other people..." I could go on...but you would cry.
Haha, that was the plan--but then, BAM!!!!! JESUS!!!!
Your life can never be the same with Him.
True, your life is not totally super awesome all the time--we still have to deal with all our old lingering stuff--but the new script is: "Dearly Beloved Child of God learns to be one of His Own and bring in His kingdom. Joy is her portion, delight in Him fills her days and He is making all things new in her life. She is learning to lean into His strength and will one day teach a million children the glory of being known and loved by a Father. Those hidden in darkness will come to the light, because of the work that He does through this laid down life. The one who was most unknown has learned she is Beloved, His heart's treasure and He would do anything for her."
And I know--it sounds as if it's too good to be true--because IT IS!!!! But God doesn't care (He's no respecter of person's) and He'll bless anybody He wants to bless and love anyone He wants to love (that's YOU--He created you, sent His Son to take the punishment you would have suffered--He cares for YOU far beyond my ability to tell). The crazy thing is that despite the mess you see in this world, when you partner with Jesus, your life goes WAY beyond all that in an explosion of goodness, because (if you allow and ask Him), in this one laid down life, His kingdom can come and that roaring like a lion...well, suffice it to say that I know I haven't seen anything yet! God is going to break through in my life like never before--because I ask, He's good and wants to bring glory to Himself so others can know and be drawn to Him and April--this month, right here--is the month of FREEDOM!!!
I find this rejuvenation even in the littlest things: take my Friday nights.
There was a time in my life when Friday nights were the worst parts of my week. I would sit at home, alone and just wish I had something to do. Some people had boyfriends, others had best friends and I was mainly just lonely. I literally would have done almost anything to have something to do on a Friday night--each Friday just felt like one more slap in the face accompanied by the lie, "You're such a loser. No one wants to hang out with you." It was really a hard thing to face--that long, blank, empty night.
These days--I have too much to do on a Friday night! I haven't had a free Friday in a couple months--practically since I moved home. The one night I used to dread--the one that marked out for me very firmly that my life was going nowhere, especially relationship-wise--has now become my favorite night of the week. I don't even have time to wonder what I'm going to do--usually it's planned out a few weeks in advance. I'm just grateful--even in the silliest, smallest detail, my God knows exactly where and why my heart can hurt (being lonely on Friday nights) and can redeem it completely (my life is full--even in this strange season of transition).
This is my encouragement--wherever you are, whatever you're going through (and it can be tough, my life was been no picnic lately) take a moment and think back to a spot/moment/family gathering that used to be hard and realize how God has redeemed it. Think back on what it used to be like, what's it's like now and how the change occurred. (Journal it all out--that's the best way for me to see just how faithful He was, even in the things that don't really matter--but He knows they matter to me and so He's good to me, even there.) Then take some moments to really thank Him for how He is working in your life. It's important and will remind you of His goodness. If it's hard to see anything good, call up a friend and ask, "Where do you see God working in my life? Where has good change come?" Often our friends can see things we'd never expect or notice on our own. If it is really hard to see God working, invite Him in, even into the smallest things (just CRY OUT!!) and see if He won't move. He loves to be faithful to us, loves to see us move forward even in the smallest things (Friday nights :) ) and He's always at work--even, and especially when, we can't see it.
"Have you ever traveled to a mountainous part of the world when it was
cloudy and rainy? You look out your windows and you can see almost nothing but the
ground. Then the rain stops and the clouds part and you catch your
breath because there, towering right over you, is this magnificent peak.
But a couple of hours later the clouds roll in and it has vanished, and
you don't see it again for a good while. That is what it is like to get
to know a Christian. You have an old self and a new self (Ephesians
4:24). The old self is crippled with anxieties, the need to prove
yourself, bad habits you can't break, and many besetting sins and
character flaws. The new self is still you, but you liberated from all
your sins and flaws. This new self is always a work in progress, and
sometimes the clouds of the old self make it almost completely
invisible. But sometimes the clouds really part, and you see the wisdom,
courage, and love of which you are capable. It is a glimpse of where
you are going."
from Timothy Keller's book. "The Meaning of Marriage" (131-132)
from Timothy Keller's book. "The Meaning of Marriage" (131-132)
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