Waiting...in the middle of an ordinary life...makes a lot of people wonder. I've been waiting for a long time...probably since I started this blog. My life hasn't stopped and there's no pause button--it's just an attitude that i seem to have adopted--and I no longer see it as an unhealthy one. Are we not all waiting? Is not the return of our King emminent (or is it imminent)? *if you care, correct me--I need to learn the difference :)
He is coming...
And we are here in the waiting until that day.
For so long, i have rued this waiting spirit. I have wondered why I couldn't not move on, why i felt this...oh, how to describe? Now I see clearly.
It is not the waiting that should be despised--it should be a present attitude for all those who are now waiting in the not yet--we have our ears tuned to the sky, waiting for the cry of our King, the moment when we go to meet Him in the air--and really all will be well in that moment, and all manner of things will be well. I am waiting for that moment, really longing for it. I am not ashamed of that.
But what we do in the waiting MATTERS. This person who we choose to be every day, the places we choose to invest ourselves--this is the person we will be for the rest of eternity. I want to use my talents well. (Remember that parable.)
I have many things I am waiting on--and from my human, earthly perspective, not a one of them is close to being fulfilled. But does that mean I lose hope? Does that mean I stop dreaming? Does that mean i stop asking the Lord for His input and His guidance?
Oh, you press in so much deeper during the waiting...
And this serves a good purpose. When we are out there in "the doing" we can so easily lose sight of His face and get caught up in doing what we think is right...which is good, as long as you have been privileged to have a time of waiting where you know His face well, where you have learned His mind and trust His guidance and provision.
I am tempted on some days to call this time wasted--who wouldn't? But I am beginning to see that more than anything I am one of the privileged few (especially here in America!) who get to slow down and relearn all the beautiful basics of life again from the perspective of the God who knows me so well and has such beautiful plans for me. He sees this time as precious--I want to see it that way too.
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