It's been a long week--but in all the best possible ways :) I've gotten to work, rest, spend time in the Presence of the One I Love, worship, be with friends, read some Hebrew--just all the things that bless my life. I never would have seen my life so full...never would have seen myself in this season.
That's the joy though, isn't it? All that we don't know is being put together for good when we put our lives in the hands of a God who loves us. I'm currently filling out an application to go to a place I never would have pictured myself in--but I see God's hand all over it. I will get to do what I love (teach), be under people who I love (the Lains) and be among people who need to be exposed to His love and joy. I know the struggles that will come: bitter cold, being a single woman in a place where that is uncommon, and learning to live on my own in a vastly different culture from mine. I am becoming aware of these potential issues (and I know these next few years will be refining ones for me, where I will have to learn the deep truth of denying oneself) but I present it to the Lord in prayer. If He goes before me (and I know He does) and makes a way for me (He always will) and will be near every moment, I have nothing to fear.
I was recently (okay, yesterday) asking the Lord what it meant to abide in Him? How could I constantly abide in Him and yet not get caught up in the trap of striving again? I know (and will learn deeper in this season) that I can do nothing apart from Him--He is the only way, He is the hope I need...I'm basically desperate for Him to show up in all the circumstances I place before Him daily.
I was at a prayer chapel in my area praying and worshipping, just being still before Him, when all of a sudden, I was in a vision. It had a similar aspect to other words spoken over me in recent years, in that I was dancing with Jesus. Only this time, I saw a time progression: me as a little girl, teenager, etc. until the present time and always I was dancing with our Lord. Then I saw us dancing into a shadowy land, where people were in distress and the atmosphere seemed pretty dismal. It shook me for a little bit, but then I looked into His face and we just kept dancing. As we danced, flowers were springing up, the ground was coming alive, hope was shooting forth. Then I looked out and it had all multiplied: many were now dancing with Jesus where before it had been just me. And the world was changing because of this.
Then we were on our way to what I can only describe as heaven, the new Jerusalem. I can't even comprehend or describe what that everlasting place will look like, what I saw in this vision I know has no resemblance to what that place will actually be--but I knew that that was where all of us were headed. Then I heard the word, "TOGETHER", and I knew I had my answer to the question. I have no need to strive to abide: it just happens as Jesus and I dance together through this life. It's my job to stay near, to keep looking into His eyes. If I leave His Presence and Power to try and rescue His world on my own--I will perish alongside all of them. I've tried to live that way...letting the troubles overpower what I know about our Lord and choosing to live in anguish. However, if I stay child-like, rejoicing in the relationship I have with my Lord and staying near, He will draw others near and multiply the relationship so that many needs will be met--I know not how, but He is able and He will do it.
I urge you, His sons and daughters, to not let the troubles of the world dissuade you. There is a higher Power, a more devastating hope than the devastation that often surrounds us. Whether your healing needs to come in the area of relationships, hope for the future, bodily healing or provision our Papa has us in His hands. Keep looking into His eyes, He will provide: I don't know how and I certainly don't know when, but in His good time He comes through for His children.
We are in love with a King...and He more than loves us. Stay in His arms today, it's the best place to be.
The Workings Out of a Heart Not Fully Formed Yet
I write because I dream: I see this world as a place the Kingdom of God is constantly breaking into and I want to join my King Jesus in whatever way He sees fit to bring His life, His Presence, here.
This journey has taken me all over the world and lead to encounters with incredible men and women of God: their lives have imprinted mine. This blog is a result of our conversations and questions, and a way for me to display my inner life with God, so that others may see the glory of a life given fully over to her Creator. I, and the ones I love, are no special people--we just partner with an amazing God.
We've seen suffering. We know doubt. We wrestle with where we have been and how we got there--but we will never give up. Our lives are a testament to His faithfulness.
Be Blessed as you read. Encounter the King.
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